Strategy Games

If you are a fan of strategy games you were probably thinking that there is not much to look forward to at E3 2011, however we have done some research and found that are over a dozen strategy games which will appear at the show.
Some of the games are full on strategy games and some of which are games which feature some strategy game elements, let’s start with some of the games which are undoubtedly strategy games.
The first three titles we will talk about are all part of the Warhammer 40k series, we expect THQ to show off Dark Millennium Online (PC), Kill Team (PS3 and Xbox 360) and Space Marine (PC, PS3 and Xbox 360) this week, the latter is scheduled for a 2011 release, whilst the others should arrive in 2012.
Eight other strategy games we expect to see make an appearance during the expo include A Game of Thrones: Genesis, Defenders of Ardania, Prime World, Crusader Kings II, King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame, Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter, Battle VS Chess and End of Nations.
Two games which are arguably not even strategy games are The Sims 3: Generations and Starhawk, both games fall under different genres, however strategy game elements play quite a significant part in the games, therefore we thought they were worth mentioning.
These are the strategy games which IGN have confirmed to be on show at E3 2011, however we wouldn’t be too shocked if publishers and developers have a surprises lined up for us.