Below are the bottom five companies in the Apparel Retail industry as ranked by sales per share. Sales per share is a valuable metric in comparing relative value for companies in the same industry.
Bebe Stores (NASDAQ:BEBE) ranks lowest with sales per share of 5.8x; Wet Seal (NASDAQ:WTSLA) ranks next with sales per share of 6x; and Casual Male Retail (NASDAQ:CMRG) ranks third lowest with sales per share of 8.4x.
Coldwater Creek (NASDAQ:CWTR) follows with sales per share of 10.6x and Chico's FAS (NYSE:CHS) rounds out the bottom five with sales per share of 11.1x.
SmarTrend currently has shares of Coldwater Creek in an Downtrend and issued the Downtrend alert on October 19, 2010 at $3.56. The stock has fallen 56.8% since the Downtrend alert was issued.