I think there are more things the Egyptian authorities need to do to entice the visitors back than just open a few more tombs and send Hawass on tour, allowing this is quite obviously not one of them. Al-Sayed al-Essawy wants to kill a caged lion for entertainment in an effort to "get tourists back to Egypt" - he says. Read about it here and then consider signing the petition.UPDATE: I have received an email from an Egyptian tourist organization which informs me "this event will not happen". Frankly after all the conflicting and irresponsible story-telling passing for news from the Egyptian authorities concerning there being or not being any looting and the extremely dubious stories concerning the museum looting -or whatever was going on there - I really am disinclined just to take their word for it. There is conflicting information about what has happened and is happening.
For now, it is a waiting game as to whether the lion exists, the man is free or what is happening. Such is the nature of information regarding animal rights in Egypt, a country that has done little to support the existence of animals in its midst. Along the Red Sea, almost monthly reports of poisoning of stray animals, dogs, cats and others, are reported.I'd urge anyone concerned about animal welfare in Egypt to sign the petition regardless of what we are being told.