Michele Bachmann

I have searched for a long time to find a foreign female politician as ignorant and incapable of critical thinking as our beloved Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Eureka! Listen to this.
According to the Religious News Service there is a female Kuwaiti politician who thinks it’d be a good idea to legalize sex slaves for “decent, devout and virile” Muslim men who can’t control themselves but don’t want to commit adultery. Plus, she explains, if the sex slaves came from war-torn countries, they’d have a “better life.” WOW!
She did not say why Muslim men can’t “control themselves”. Could it be the influence of their Islamic superstitions and sexually repressive culture, or just plain sexism – a pathetic form of bigotry?
As I was combing the world looking for a Palin or a Bachmann in another culture, I came upon this jewel.
In Rawang, Malaysia, there is a new bride, 22-year-old Ummu Atirah, who believes she knows the secret to a blissful marriage: obey her husband and ensure he is sexually satisfied. (Guys, try to keep it down!)
She and about 800 other Muslim women in Malaysia are members of the newly formed “Obedient Wives Club”. Malaysia is a Muslim majority country that is relatively progressive with many Muslim Malaysian women in high government and corporate positions. So you can imagine that this new “Obedient Wife” thing might stir some controversy.
Members of the Club say they can cure social ills such as prostitution and divorce by teaching women to be submissive and keep their men happy in the bedroom.
Ummu, in her yellow headscarf,  explains: “Islam compels us to be obedient to our husband. Whatever he says, I must follow. It is a sin if I don’t obey and make him happy.” I can only assume that poor Umma has been brainwashed by a patriarchal society and wishes to remain ignorant of the real reasons men go to prostitutes and have affairs. Would any of you care to explain it too her?
Back here in the United States, Michele Bachmann is getting ready to announce her campaign for the G.O.P. nomination for President of the United States. Like Ummu in Malaysia, Bachmann is our best example of clueless outspoken women – even better than Sarah Palin. Consider Bachmann’s words addressed to an Iowa Tax Relief group earlier this year.
First she lauded the Founding Fathers for their commitment to a pluralistic society. “It didn’t matter the color of their skin, it didn’t matter their language, it didn’t matter their economic status, it didn’t matter whether they descended from known royalty or whether they were of a higher class or a lower class, it made no difference. Once you got here [to America] you were all the same. Isn’t that remarkable?” Yes, Michelle, it certainly would be remarkable if it was true. It isn’t, you ignorant #%@$.
Then Bachmann praised the Founders for working diligenty to abolish slavery: “We know there was slavery that was still tolerated when the nation began. We know that was an evil and it was scourge and a blot and a stain upon our history. But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States.” Would someone please advise this fact-free floosy that our Founders, contrary to abolishing slavery, enshrined the institution of slavery into our Constitution, and did not (with the exception of Washington upon his death, free their own slaves.
I don’t find subservient women interesting, I raised three daughters to be self-sufficient and take no guff from any man. Umma’s husband will be satisfied and happy for about a month before he heads out the door looking for an interesting woman. Umma will be hurt, but she may eventually figure out the difference between fact and fantasy. Don’t think we can say the same for Michele Bachmann.