
If there's one thing certain about E3, there will be lots of games, accessories, and plenty of questions.
Here are a few of the notable ones leading into this year's show.
1. What can we expect from Nintendo's next console?
There have certainly been plenty of rumors about the successor to the Wii over the last month. Although details are still unclear, most experts agree Nintendo's new hardware is aiming for a more core gaming crowd.
"The Wii was incredibly successful, but unfortunately, it failed to sustain interest among the core community, a community that is necessary to sustain long-term growth," says Jesse Divnich, analyst with Electronic Entertainment Design and Research (EEDAR). "I believe the next Nintendo console will solve that problem, and bridge the gap between the core and mainstream gamer."
Adds G4's Adam Sessler: "If they show a console with a traditional controller, that's a step in the right direction to get the hardcore back. It almost sounds unreasonable to me that they would do a Wii 2."
Nintendo will also likely address one of the Wii's glaring weaknesses with their new hardware: the addition of high-definition visuals
"As home entertainment becomes increasingly digital and high-tech, an area where competitors specialize, the company is well aware that it needs to even the odds in terms of streaming, digital and HD capabilities in the era of 1080p, Pandora and Netflix," says Scott Steinberg, CEO of video game consulting firm TechSavvy
Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter also anticipates a more powerful device compared to the Wii. "The new console can't be much more powerful than PS3 (or) 360, or developers won't support it. I expect PS3-like power, (and) some innovation with the controller," says Pachter.
2. How will Sony rebound from the PSN breach?
With the PlayStation Network fully operational, and user outreach efforts such as offers of free games and ID theft protection in full swing, Sony could use E3 as one more attempt to put the massive data breach behind them.
"I believe Sony has the most to prove at this year's E3," says Divnich. "The unfortunate event of the PlayStation Network breach has put enormous pressure on Sony to regain consumer confidence. If gamers walk out of E3 underwhelmed with Sony's offering, it could make for a disastrous holiday season.
The cybersecurity issues plaguing Sony don't seem to be going away, either, as evidenced by a new data hack affecting the Sony Pictures' website.
3. Is the motion gaming craze slowing down?
It's likely Microsoft and Sony will devote quite a bit of time to their motion control platforms Kinect and PlayStation Move. While motion control was huge at last year's E3, expect it to take a bit of a back seat in 2011.
"Their role is expected to remain largely marginal (at E3), as compared with blockbuster new retail releases of all stripes and a growing emphasis on digitally downloadable titles," says Steinberg.
Divinch agrees, saying interest in motion gaming "has passed for the moment."
That doesn't mean publishers, Microsoft in particular, won't make their motion gaming hardware a core component of their E3 plans.
"I think Microsoft is going to focus a lot on the Kinect and convince people its still worth the buy," says G4's Morgan Webb.
4. Is "3" really the magic number?
Anyone else notice a trend in the slate of games expected to appear at E3? Consider the following titles: Uncharted 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Resistance 3, Mass Effect 3 and Gears of War 3. There's also BioShock Infinite, the third title in the franchise's history.
They're all huge titles, and each of which have plenty to prove. Can Uncharted and Mass Effect live up to the hype of its predecessors? Can Gears of War finally get it done in the multiplayer department? It also leads us into the next question:
5. How will Battlefield 3 fare against Call of Duty?
Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello has not been shy about wanting to knock off rival Activision's red-hot first-person shooter of its perch. They started with Battlefield: Bad Company 2, a strong competitor that lacked the incredible sales punch of COD. Then there was last year's Medal of Honor, an underwhelming second salvo.
Meanwhile, Call of Duty seems unstoppable. The latest release,Call of Duty: Black Ops, has been hammering sales records left and right, and it seems the appetite for this series is insatiable.
But 2011 represents a crossroads in the first-person shooter space. Battlefield 3 has generated an overwhelming amount of buzz since its debut earlier this year. EA says pre-orders for the game are up 700% compared to Bad Company 2, and even EA's Frank Gibeau went as far to say it will be a "flat-out superior game" compared to Call of Duty.
Then there's Modern Warfare 3. Studio Infinity Ward has always been a player favorite, but they've undergone significant changes since their leaders were ousted by Activision last year. Plus, the studio is getting assistance from the newly-formed Sledgehammer Games, run by the creators of Dead Space. Will the franchise be able to overcome the changes?
6. Can NGP escape the fate of the PSP?
It boasts the "comprehensive entertainment experience including games, music, movies, communication, and wireless networking" not to mention it delivers "an unparalleled gaming experience to a portable platform."
Sounds like NGP, right? Actually, those quotes come directly from a 2005 Sony press release touting the PlayStation Portable.
Since then, the PSP has struggled mightily against Nintendo's juggernaut portable, the DS. Making the PSP's troubles worse is the introduction of high-powered smartphones such as the iPhone and Android army of devices
Now comes the Next Generation Portable, sporting an OLED touchscreen, two cameras, motion control and a slew of other options. If Sony hopes to change its luck in the portable space, price is going to play a huge role
"I have this fear that they are going to have a price tag on that reminiscent of what they said about the PS3 four years ago at $600 and it's going to lose momentum, says Sessler
Pachter agrees. "The NGP will probably be too expensive to get anyone but the hard core excited," he says. "I am not sure they can do much at a high price point."
However, early support from third parties such as Activision could help turn the tide. "The first announcement of a originalCall of Duty game is certainly a step in the right direction," says Divnich.
7. Will we see something new from Halo universe?
Gears of War 3 will figure prominently for the house of Xbox, as will Kinect and racing game Forza Motorsport 4. But could the Microsoft console's flagship franchise -- Halo -- be poised to return?
Bungie bid farewell to the series with 2010's Halo: Reach, but prepare for "new revelations" surrounding Halo this year, says Steinberg.
Divnich takes things a step further: "You can definitely expect a Halo announcement of some sort, but I don't think we will see the title released until 2012."