
Hackers group Anonymous has attacked one of the Indian government websites to express solidarity with the ongoing civil movement against the corruption in the country. The group targeted the website of National Information Centre and posted its logo and a message addressing the Indian PM. The cache image of the page also confirms the attack by Anonymous.
In their statement, the hacker group expressed anger over the recent police crackdown on supporters of Baba Ramdev in Delhi. Vindicating its attack on the website, the group further said that any effort to track them would prove futile. However, no theft of data or damage to the website has been reported.
Anonymous has reportedly formed an Operation India page on Facebook and an account on Twitter to keep up the ongoing agitation against corruption. The hackers group has urged the netizens to join the cause and step up pressure on the government. On the other hand, the government has maintained silence over the goof up.
It is not the first time Anonymous has made it the news for its hacking deeds. Previously, Sony's Playstation Network was repeatedly hit by the hackers group. The group then justified its acts, dubbing it as the action against the alleged oppression of freedom of speech by Sony.
ot long ago, the website of India's top investigation agency CBI was too hacked and had caused embarrassment to the government. It took several weeks to the authorities to get the CBI website back on track. The repeated incidents of hacking of the government websites, perhaps most secure ones, have certainly exposed the vulnerability of websites. The Indian government then announced several measures to prevent such cyber attacks. It also talked about a plan to counter cyber attacks. The attack on NIC website has certainly raised all sorts of worries. After all NIC is the institution that mans computer servers across the country.
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