Super 8 Rotten Tomatoes

In the age of technology, secrecy and anonymity are two commodities that are very hard to come by, especially in the entertainment industry. Movie spoilers and popular gossip websites have almost single-handedly eliminated surprises in Hollywood.
However, it seems that film director and producer J.J. Abrams has found the secret to keeping a secret. He has built up hype with his new film "Super 8," which opens in theaters tomorrow.
As commercials and trailers for "Super 8" become more substantial, details of the film have slowly begun to emerge. Set in 1979, "Super 8" tells the story of a group of young movie makers who witness a massive train crash, which in turn releases an unknown force onto their small Ohio town. With the disappearance of local animals and a growing military presence, residents are left to illustrate a much debated scenario of what life would be like during an alien invasion.
"I think it looks really interesting," senior Brittany Martinez said. "And J.J. Abrams has a way of creating movies that are not like anything else, even though his best movies are all similar in the super natural space sense."
Like Abrams' 2008 film "Cloverfield," very little is known about "Super 8" other than the cast credits and the small clips shown online and on television. Other than building a great mystery, this lockdown of plot details not only encourages people to see the film but also avoids media hearsay.
"It's going for the ‘Cloverfield' effect where you never see the monster in the trailers," senior Eric Le Tellier said. "It's successful in peaking my interest enough to make me want to know more about the movie."
From the few snippets and interviews given in relation to "Super 8," popular websites like Rotten Tomatoes have given the film mostly positive reviews. Although details of the storyline cannot provide much information about "Super 8," cast credits and special effects seem to have taken up the extra slack. Oscar-winning director Steven Spielberg, as producer, has solidified the film's position as a legitimate movie and not just another sci-fi flop about a small town invaded by aliens.
"It looks like a good movie that would be fun to see, especially in IMAX," senior Natalie Schiferl said. "I would definitely be interested in seeing it."
With limited screen captures and video clips to go on, audiences will have to take a chance on "Super 8" based on feelings of the sci-fi genre and success of those involved. With Spielberg and Abrams behind the camera, it seems that this film will be a more grounded version of "War of the Worlds" and much steadier to watch than "Cloverfield," which was shot with a shaky handheld camera. The only way to know if "Super 8" will live up to the reputation it has been given is to wait for its release.