Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter has a new book out on Wednesday called, "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America."
Known as a brash, controversial conservative political pundit, this is Ann Coulter's eighth book.
Coulter, 49, speaks out against liberals with satire and unforgiving criticism, but she can take it just as well as she can dish it. She has been called a fascist, lying liar, a huckster of ideological hate and the Paris Hilton of post-modern politics, but Coulter says none of it bothers her.
"Not in the least," she told ABC's Dan Harris. "The only people who hate me more than liberals are conservative authors who don't sell as many books as I do."
"Demonic" explains Coulter's thesis that liberals operate as a mob because they shout down opponent, engage in name-calling and incite passions with readymade slogans-- much unlike conservatives and Republicans, of course.
She compares Democrats to the mobs of the French Revolution, and the Republicans as followers of the American Revolution as a psychological analysis of the two groups.
"It's not exactly calling Democrats demonic, it's the mob that are demonic," she said to Harris. "I'm against mobs. ... I'm not saying go out and punch a Democrat today, but when the mob arises ... you overreact to a mob because you can't reason with a mob."
Coulter referenced Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner's recent sex scandal as an example of the liberal mob characteristic of "attacking" the person who released his information.
"Conservatives respond to their sex scandals differently because we don't elevate our leaders," she told George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America" today. "We aren't comfortable with contradictory thinking."