
The Legend of Zelda turned 25 years old this year, and Nintendo wants to celebrate in a big way.  Series creator Shigeru Miyamoto started Nintendo’s E3 press conference with a slew of Zelda announcements, all backed by a live orchestra performing renditions of classic Zelda tunes.  Needless to say, the little kid inside of me got more than carried away.  I will break down each gaming announcement one-by-one and let you know what to expect.
Miyamoto revealed that the Game Boy masterpiece The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is now availableon the newly released 3DS Shop as a Game Boy Color title.  Yes, you read that correctly.  It is available right now!  Stop reading this and go play one of the greatest games ever created!
Secondly, we were reminded that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D will be available for your Nintendo 3DS next week.
After that, Miyamoto surprised everyone with the announcement that a free version of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swordswill be coming to DSiWare.  This unique game will finally be able to reach its potential on the DSi platform.
We also found out that the hotly anticipated The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be available for the Nintendo Wii by the end of this year!  Finally!
As the perfect icing on the cake, Nintendo revealed that a touring symphonic concert featuring music from The Legend of Zelda will begin this fall.  In addition, orchestral albums will be released sometime this year as well.
Nintendo wants to ensure that Zelda has the best birthday imaginable.  And for us, the fans of the franchise, we are the biggest winners.