Shampoo Prank

When you think of YouTube in all its glory you think of game trailers, clips for the newBatman Dark Knight Rises and of course the SH’Boss Boys who auditioned for America’s Got Talent. Now we have something else to talk to you about, another specialism of YouTube.
That’s right, comedy and pranks, these things flow into the site in abundance, some of them are funny but others are hilarious much like today’s Shampoo Prank that has become a YouTube hit.
The clip was uploaded on June 3rd and has almost hit the magical half a million number of views in the short space of time that it has been up. The clip starts off with a couple of guys with shorts on having a shower; one of them is facing the wall so he cannot see what’s going on behind him.
He starts trying to wash the shampoo out of his hair but another guy keeps putting more of it on his head as soon as he is nearing it being done. The guy starts to become agitated that the shampoo won’t wash out of his hair without knowing that simply more is being applied! As always you can view the clip at the bottom of the article.
What did you think of the clip? Did it make you laugh?