Olivia Lum

Olivia Lum, President and CEO of Hyflux Group Limited, based in Singapore, was named World Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 Ernst & Young, at a ceremony award ceremony last night at the Salle des Etoiles in Monte Carlo. Olivia was selected among 49 national finalists competing for the title, each having already been named Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young in his country. This year, six women were among the finalists? A higher figure than in previous years.
Olivia Lum has created Hyflux in 1989 with two employees and an initial capital of $ 15,000. Today, Hyflux one of the largest global provider in the field of desalination of seawater Publicly traded, the company achieves a turnover of approx. 450millions U.S. dollars and employs over 2,300 people engaged in activities or projects in Southeast Asia, China, India, Middle East and North Africa.
Tan Sri Francis Yeoh Sock Ping, YTL Group Managing Director and Chairman of the jury, said: "The entrepreneurial spirit of Olivia and the immense social and health implications of her work make her a winner for exceptional Award of the World Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 ".
"I am very pleased to accept this award on behalf of all employees of Hyflux. For me, it emphasizes that no challenge is insurmountable when we were faced with hunger and poverty, "said Olivia. "It'sa great honor to be selected from a group of entrepreneurs as formidable."
"As the first woman named World Entrepreneur of the Year, Olivia is an outstanding example for entrepreneurs and women in Asia and the world. This appointment will accelerate the global trend that sees more and more women build businesses great, "said Maria Pinelli, VP of Strategic Growth Markets business global Ernst & Young.
Jim Turley, Chairman and CEO of Ernst & Young, said: "This year it's been a quarter century as the Prix de l'Entrepreneur of the Year are: the first was awarded in 1986 in a single American city. During the past 25 years, contractors have done more than anyone to encourage innovation, create jobs and prosperity, both during periods of growth during difficult economic times. Olivia embodies the vision and determination that distinguished entrepreneurs and she richly deserves the title of World Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 Ernst & Young. "
About Olivia Lum, Group CEO Hyfluxyflux
Olivia Lum has created Hyflux in 1989 with two employees and an initial capital of $ 15,000. Today, Hyflux one of the largest global provider in the field of desalination of seawater Publicly traded, the company achieves a turnover of approx. U.S. $ 450 million and employs over 2,300 people engaged in activities or projects in Southeast Asia, China, India, Middle East and North Africa.
Hyflux is strategically positioned to take advantage of the upward trend experienced by the water sector and to capture growth opportunities in key markets. By its spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, she is making progress in membrane technology, marketing applications, project management, operation and maintenance. Hyflux was recently selected by PUB, the national agency of water to Singapore for the construction of the second and largest desalination plant in the country.
Edited by Olivia Lum, Hyflux has sponsored and led many projects corporate citizens focused on the environment, education, entrepreneurship and community relations. In 2010, Hyflux has contributed to fundraising initiatives to benefit the protection of wildlife, elderly care, rehabilitation and development of knowledge and skills. The company also provided its portable water filter membrane to participate in disaster relief efforts in Qinghai and Haiti. Hyflux staff in Algeria has organized a "day of beach cleanup," while his colleagues in Singapore have brought comfort to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds by organizing Christmas dinner.
Former member of Parliament designated Singapore, Olivia Lum served on the Board of Directors of several organizations. She is a member of the Economic and Commercial Singapore-Tianjin and the Cooperation Council of Singapore-Jiangsu and President of Singapore Compact for CSR.
About the Awards Entrepreneur of the Year
Award Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young is the highest award given business entrepreneurs. This award is unique in its way of encouraging entrepreneurial activity among those who show potential, and recognize the contributions of those whose vision, leadership and success are an inspiration to others.
Unique and truly global scale, the Prix de l'Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young honors those who build and run successful businesses, growing and dynamic part of competitions at regional, national and international, in over 140 cities and 50 countries.
Presentation of Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young is a global leader in the fields of insurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Our 141,000 employees around the world are united by our shared values ​​and an unwavering commitment to quality. We make a difference by helping our people, our clients and wider communities achieve their potential.
Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.