Melissa Faith Yeo

It's that time of the year again. You know... That time I suffer from the infamous exam fever? That short period of time that seems to take ages to get over with? That very same period of time I struggle with my overachieving mindset, cursing every bit of it for taking up a degree I won't use? And that dreaded period of time I care less about up-keeping my looks and personal hygiene, because my priorities goes to hunching over a book? Yes, I'm having a ball of a time! :D EVERYONE DANCE WITH ME NOW!
So here I was, cramming for my paper and thought, "This shit is killing me!" Then I randomly got reminded of The Hire. This is one of those times where I decide that some things that are too good not to share.
Before you start, here's a bit of a background: In 2001, these are a series of short film BMW produced in place of advertisements. Instead of spending millions to advertise their cars during the Super Bowl, they took the budget to work with A-list directors and stars - and that was what intrigued me. They thought out of the box to sell their cars in a different way, did not cut corners, but worked with the best.
So do not expect the clip to run more than 10 minutes, or a continuation of characters other than Clive Owen's, but do expect lots of action and gripping stories.
Can we get more of this in Singapore? Where everyone talks about progress but never acts on it, because money is such a big concern so all that's produced are the usual boring promotional messages on lousy budgets and lousy alternatives become the resort because of lousy budgets? OK, I believe I said "lousy" too many times - you get my point.