Lie To Me Episode 9

Lie To Me Episode 9
Lie to Me Ep 9 :Back again to post about continuation korean drama titled Lie to Me after two episodes left out,and this time I would suggest to you so that if the time of broadcasted Lie to Me episode 9 you do not lose time to witness it.
What will happen next on the episode 9?, of course to find out a summary about the story in episode 9, we must be patient to wait for episode 9 released and the summary published on the internet.
Because I including people who love this drama, so I had to be patient to continue to wait for a episode 9, because as it the story contained in episode 8, it seems, if not watched episode 9 will be very regret.
In the episode 8, Ki-joon when he’s sick food-poisoned by her leftovers). She’s miffed when he doesn’t reply to her text, so Ki-joon admits that he didn’t know how to reply if he said he was still sick, she’d worry, but if he said he was better, he was afraid she wouldn’t come to see him. Aw. He plays a joke on her by shaking her Coke behind her back, which causes it to explode, leading to a mini-food fight, pounding hearts, and an acknowledgement of their attraction. Ah-jung: “Is this acting, or is this for real?” Ki-joon: For real.