Antiquity Collecting as Cultural Cosmopolitanism

The "Cultural Property Internationalist" message brought by US coiney dealer-ideologues to the Newcastle Conference was, they say, well received by UK metal detectorists with whom the US coineys have, they say, common interests. They claim that collecting dugup artefacts fosters inter-cultural understanding and tolerance. That this is not always the case is shown by the naked nationalism visible on UK detecting forums. There is little cultural tolerance visible there. This is well illustrated by a comment that has just appeared on one of them, it refers to a news item: "Mladic is accused of organising the massacre of 8,000 Muslim men and boys during Bosnia's 1992 to 1995 war - a charge he denies". A UK metal detectorist adds:
Could we borrow him before they execute him? He could start in East London and crack on from there.
Thank goodness this extremist is one of the UKDFD crowd and therefore not one of the PAS-partners. This goes well with the torch and pitchfork talk of a certain ACCG officer who wants to see certain members of the US administration and others meet violent ends. Let us watch the forum to see how many share the genocidal detectorist's approach to cultural diversity.