Milla Jovovich

Having starred in action movies including Resident Evil, The Fifth Element and Ultraviolet, Milla Jovovich is no stranger to brandishing a sword.
And now it seems Milla's three-year-old daughter Ever is set to follow in her mother's footsteps, judging by a picture the actress posted on her Twitter page today.
In the shot, adorable Ever is seen pulling a screaming face for the camera, while holding up a play sword and wearing an elaborate guard on her arm.
The image, however, was somewhat ruined by the fact Ever was clad in a super-cute pink dress bearing the image of a cuddly kitten.
In the caption for the photograph, Milla wrote: 'Jst took this 1 of Ever 2day! RE (Resident Evil) 12 any1?'
Milla recently revealed she thinks Ever has what it takes to follow her into the showbiz industry.
She said: 'My mom said the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. My daughter Ever would be such an actress.
'She’s constantly going, "Okay, you be Ever and I’m momma," and we have to improvise a scene together with her playing me.
'You should see her singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow. She has a voice that’s horrific, but the emotion is just so real.'
Milla is in Italy with Ever and her husband Paul Anderson, and the group appear to be thoroughly enjoying their holiday.
Earlier in the day, Milla tweeted: 'Just had 2 show u my weekend pics! We're at our dear friend Verde Visconti's castle in Grazzano, Italy!'
Then followed a flurry of pictures of the family taken from inside the grounds of the castle, including one humorous shot of Milla bearing a slingshot and aiming at a tree.
She wrote on her Twitter page: 'Lol! Paul taking a pic of me and my slingshot! I got that tree good!'