Concerned Citizens Rally Before Hearing on Toll Hikes

Wednesday evening the Maryland Transportation Administration (MDTA) held a public hearing on their proposed toll hikes at Kent Island High School in Stevensville. Prior to the hearing, a group of about 50 concerned citizens rallied outside the school to show their opposition to the proposed hikes.

Nick Loffer, of the Maryland chapter of Americans for Prosperity, organized the event.

Among the speakers was Maryland Sen. E. J. Pipkin (R-36). Sen. Pipkin, along with several other members of the Maryland legislature has been a leader in opposing the hikes and keeping citizens informed of the MDTA’s proposals.

Del. Mike Smigiel (R-36), another leader of the opposition movement, addresses the crowd at the pre-hearing rally organized by AFP. Smigiel, along with Sen. Pipkin, have been rallying Shore citizens to this issue, and others, through their jointly published blog War on Rural Maryland.
Del. Mike Mike McDermott (R-38B) and Del. Mike Smigiel (R-36) outside Kent Island High School after speaking against the MDTA’s proposed toll hikes.

In addition to Sen. E. J. Pipkin, Del. Mike McDermott, and Del. Mike Smigiel, Delegates Addie Eckhardt (R-37B), Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio (R-37B), Del. Steve Hershey (R-36), and Del. Jay Jacobs (R-36) all attended last night’s rally to oppose the toll hikes.

Last evening’s speakers emphasized that opposition to the toll hikes isn’t just about one more example of Annapolis taking more from the Eastern Shore. These proposed hikes will also have an adverse affect on Maryland’s economy. Mid and Upper Shore citizens will be encouraged to shop in Delaware (with no toll, and NO SALES TAX) rather than travel across the Bay. Those that have to commute across the Bay will be forced to spend more of their income in commuting costs rather than with Maryland retailers. Money taken out of the pockets of Shore residents will be going to Annapolis rather being used to invest in new businesses which will employ people.