Harris, Cardin, Wealthiest Members in Maryland Congressional Delegation

The newest member of Maryland’s congressional delegation, it turns out, might also be its most wealthy.

Rep. Andy Harris, the Baltimore County Republican elected last year to represent the Eastern Shore along with several Baltimore suburbs, holds assets valued between $1.5 million and $4 million, according to annual financial disclosure statements by members of Congress that were made available to the public Wednesday.

Harris, an anesthesiologist, appears to have surpassed Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin, who is worth between $1.4 million and $3.5 million and has frequently turned up as one of the state’s most well-off elected officials. Because lawmakers report the value of assets in broad ranges, it’s impossible to assess actual net worth.

Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, meanwhile, who also typically reports significant financial holdings, received a one-month extension to file his report.

Harris’ disclosure statement shows that he earned $123,705 last year from Johns Hopkins, where he practiced medicine. The statement also documents $40,011 in salary he received from his time as a state lawmaker and $27,000 from his private medical practice, Tidewater Anesthesia Associates. A spokesman said Harris has taken a leave of absence from Hopkins but still sees patients at his practice in order to maintain his medical license.