Moderates and the Mob

Guess who wrote this:
Anyone who has deluded himself into thinking that the AIA takes a "moderate stance" on collecting should take note [...] that the the AIA has given [David Gill] its "Outstanding Public Service Award" [...] In so doing, the AIA has indicated its support for Gill's brand of Internet Cultural Property Vigilantism where accusation is all too often confused with hard fact.
It is the same person who was President of the Ancient Coin Collectors' Guild when they gave coin dealer and coiney-blogger Dave Welsh an award after he was calling archaeologists "Nazis", more recently the same person has advocated the murder of State Department employees on his blog. What moral authority does ACCG or its members have after decorating an individual like that? Would the ACCG claim it takes a "moderate stance" on preservationists ? Or is the membership of the ACCG no better than an Internet Cultural Property Rent-a-Mob?