"Swansea Archaeologist Honoured"


Peter Tompa accuses David Gill of "embarrassing people", but Swansea University sees his contribution to cultural life in a somewhat more rounded manner: Swansea Archaeologist Honoured:
A Swansea University academic has received a prestigious award for his work to raise awareness of the threats posed by the international antiquities trade. Swansea Archaeologist Honoured A Swansea University academic has received a prestigious award for his work to raise awareness of the threats posed by the international antiquities trade. Dr David Gill (pictured), Reader in Mediterranean Archaeology at Swansea University, has been selected as the 2012 recipient of the Archaeological Institute of America’s (AIA) prestigious Outstanding Public Service Award.
See the rest here: http://www.swan.ac.uk/news_centre/latestnews/swanseaarchaeologisthonoured.php

[What I suppose his critics should take into account is that David is too modest to mention that he has archaeological achievements outside his blogging and dodgy-antiquity-chasing activities].