Unclaimed Money

If you're a "Good Morning America" fan, you probably already know about this week's "Show Me the Money" series on helping people find unclaimed money.
So far, it's helped a Pennsylvania woman get her share of $16 billion in unredeemed U.S. Treasury bonds. On Thursday, it helped a West Virginia woman recover $15,000 that had been left for her when her mother died.
GMA's site has a lot of good tips on finding unclaimed property, if you look past all the hyper exclamation points. There's links for searching for unredeemed savings bonds, money from banks that went belly up, and proceeds from any lost life insurance policies. Other pots of cash can be found in apartment deposits and wills of people who died without beneificiaries.
If you're wondering how to search for unclaimed money in Washington, go to the Department of Revenue's Claim Your Cash site.
You can also check to see if the IRS owes you a refund.