Eastern Shore Citizens Pack Auditorium to Say NO! to O’Malley Toll Hike Plan

Wednesday evening over 500 people crammed into the auditorium of Kent Island High School to give their opinion of the Maryland Transportation Administration’s (MDTA) proposed toll hikes. Citizens from all over the Eastern Shore attended last night’s hearing, although the vast majority were from Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties.

The first speakers of the evening were elected officials. Maryland Sen. E. J. Pipkin (R-36) and delegates Mike Smigiel (R-36), Jay Jacobs (R-36), Steve Hershey (R-36), and Mike McDermott (R-38B) all spoke against the proposed toll hikes.

Del. Mike McDermott (R-38B) addresses the crowd at last night’s public hearing

After the elected officials spoke, the MDTA officials gave their presentation attempting to justify the toll hikes. Two statements stood out in the presentation – the claim by the MDTA that they “owned” the bridges and tunnels AND their admission (verbally and in writing) that the monies from higher tolls would be used for maintenance on the bridges and tunnels, and for “infrastructure projects” in the Baltimore / DC corridor.

When the folks from MDTA finished speaking, the ordinary citizen had his chance. Here are a few quotes:

Since O’Malley was elected my sales tax has gone up 20%. You’ve just raised my beer tax. Now you want to raise my tolls … BUT … you are going to give subsidized tuition to illegal aliens.

You want to raise our tolls and force us to subsidize the ICC (Inter-County Connector road). … Why don’t you put up toll booths on I-70, I-270, and I-68 and let the rest of the state share in the pain.

I’m convince you wake up every morning in Annapolis and say, “What can we do today to screw the Eastern Shore?”.

I do most of my shopping in Annapolis. It’s 25 minute from my home. If you raise this toll, I’m thinking seriously of starting to do my shopping in Middletown, DE. Middletown is 45 minutes from home. (members of the audience shouted, “And NO sales tax”) That’s right. I may burn an extra gallon or two of gas, but between the toll increase and no sales tax, it will be cheaper.
One gentleman that spoke to riotous applause had this to say:

I’m a businessman. I have to look after my customers. I don’t have the luxury of raising taxes to meet my payroll. If you worked for me (pointing to the MDTA commissioners), I’d fire each and every one of you!
The overflow crowd sat or stood patiently as each speaker took his or her turn.

While I wasn’t present for EVERY speaker on Wednesday night, I did not hear one speak in favor of the toll hike. Will the MDTA commissioners understand what the folks at last night’s hearing were saying? It’s doubtful.