Dumb and the Dumber

In a post presciently entitled "Forever Dumb?", US coiney Sayles says all coins are antiquities, therefore all antiquities must be coins. He then advances artefact-centred arguments which pretends dugup artefacts are not ever dug out of the archaeological record, so therefore determining on the basis of a proper collecting history which artefacts on the market are freshly clandestinely excavated and which are not has "no purpose" (I suppose for a coin dealer who sees coins primarily as something they sell to make money, it is even an awkward consideration).

Sometimes one wonders whether such stuff is created by a genuinely unrepentantly ignorant and unreflexive writer caught up in a dialogue of the deaf of his own making, or whether it is deliberately crafted to mislead (unrepentantly ignorant and unreflexive) others - ie other coineys - to create the conditions for that dialogue of the deaf in order to perpetuate the no-questions-asked market. Read it yourselves with that question in mind.