
Marc Anthony believes viewers can learn everything they need to know about the third season of TNT’s “HawthoRNe” from its promotional tagline “For better. For worse.”
“It really speaks volumes,” Anthony told the Herald in a recent telephone interview. “There are challenges of every kind. None of them stereo-typical.”
After being a guest on the show last season, Anthony joins the cast full-time this season (starting tonight at 10) as Detective Nick Renata.
Star and executive producer Jada Pinkett Smith and her husband, Will Smith, convinced him to take the gig.
“They explained to me each episode and where they wanted to take it and push every single boundary that you can imagine, and I was game,” he said. “I saw it as challenging. I saw it as something I could really sink my teeth into.”
Anthony was also named executive music producer of the show. He now has a recording studio in his trailer and is working on giving the drama a distinct sound.
“This is a precious opportunity to give the show an identity,” he said.
Earlier in the spring, wife Jennifer Lopez served as a judge on Fox’s “American Idol,” and Anthony was often in the audience. He met with the contestants to give them advice. “I’m a huge protector of artists,” he said. “I got to know these kids, and I knew how talented they were.”
He keeps in touch with them. “They e-mail me, ‘Marc, what do you think? Can I run something by you?’ They’re at a pivotal moment,” he said. “I think we’ve earned each other’s respect. It’s a privilege to be able to be looked at as that person who is going to be fair and honest. It’s not about imposing your will. It’s about just polishing the diamonds, because they’re diamonds already.”
After wrapping “HawthoRNe,” he and Lopez will head out to cast the Latin American talent competition “Q’Viva! The Chosen.” “It’s to celebrate Latin music, Latin culture, Latin art,” he said. The docu-series will follow the casting and the rehearsals leading up to the live show. Anthony said a network for the show will be announced soon.
In September, Anthony begins a multi-city tour and launches his clothing line with Kohl’s. With all this going on, would he have time to be part of the fourth season of “HawthoRNe”?
“If they invited me back, it would be really hard not to strongly consider making it part of my life,” he said.