Another Coiney Blog Hides Away

I have mentioned a persistent tendency for the websites, blogs and forums of artefact hunters and collectors to be closed for reading to all but registered viewers and discussion goes on there using pseudonyms rather than real names. Rather like kiddie porn consumers, the users of such forums obviously feel they have something to hide from the rest of us.

Recently joined these ranks is gun-toting ("I-shoot-to-kill") pastor Scott Head (pseud. "S. Capitus") whose blog on ancient coin collecting was discussed by me here a while ago. Now when we click on the link we are informed "Permission Denied: This blog is open to invited readers only [...] you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation". On the other hand you might not. Unless of course you are curious about what kind of things are discussed which the Pastor feels not everybody should see. Like discussions (or lack thereof) of where those coins actually come from.