- Likes to look at the big picture
- Enjoys toying with ideas and possibilities
- Likes to stretch his or her imagination
- Enjoys thinking in more global and abstract terms
- Takes an intuitive approach to innovation
- May overlook details
Details schmetails, it's the big picture folks!
Ideators are:
- Playful
- Imaginative
- Social
- Adaptable
- Flexible
- Adventurous
- Independent
Liking this. OK, how do you care for ideators? We need:
- Room to be playful
- Constant stimulation
- Variety and change
- The big picture
That's right, leave us alone to think our great thoughts. Result! Then there's this totally superfluous category "Ideators annoy others by...".
- Drawing attention to themselves
- Being impatient when others don’t get their ideas
- Offering ideas that are too off-the-wall
- Being too abstract
- Not sticking to one idea
Utter, utter, nonsense. Look at my blog, it's full of ideas that have been developed fully... oh, wait. And, maybe the blog thing is a bit attention seeking, and I guess saying "it sucks" is a tad impatient, and saying to a crowd of taxonomists "haven't we basically found every species bigger than my coffee cup?" is a little off-the-wall.
Good job these psychometric thingies are clearly bogus.