"No Justice" for ACCGyleaks?

Like Bradley Manning, alleged leaker of State Department emails, coin dealer Wayne Sales thinks (Affirmation of Audacity):
the State Department wall of secrecy is a stain on government by the people and this challenge was long overdue.
Unlike Mr Manning, Sayles is not in jail for his challenge. But a feature linking both is the desire to release to public view emails which the State Department does not consider are for public view (Sayles warns that the case is: "not over quite yet") .

The coiney dealers' "Guilds" launched an appeal on a ruling judging that the Department of State has shown the coineys about as much as they have the legal right to be shown, Sayles concludes:
The result, unfortunately, is less than encouraging for those who would like to believe that America is still a land of freedom and justice. The U.S. Appellate Court had a chance to right a grievous wrong and failed to step up when the opportunity was presented.
Not a "land of freedom" for dealers to sell illegally exported dugup coins, it's not "just" is it Mr Sayles? He intimates that the U.S. Appellate Court "had a chance to right a grievous wrong" (sic) but instead applied the law and did not use any extra-legislative means to "step up when the opportunity was presented". I guess Judge Stephen F. Williams (an environmental law specialist no less) is not only impartial but does not collect dugup artefacts and coins and would not be interested in any illegally exported if a dealer offered him some.

Vignette: Judge Williams judging.