'How To' Guide to US Law on Dealing with Suspected Trafficked Egyptian Cultural Objects

Cultural heritage lawyer Ricardo St. Hilaire has a post on his blog on 'Reclaiming Trafficked Egyptian Cultural Objects: US Seizure Laws and How to Make a Report to Customs and Border Protection' well worth a read, as it provides an insight into how US laws can be used in parallel to the US CCPIA to protect the global cultural heritage. Note though that the old cultural patrimony law 117 of 1983 was amended by Law N.3 of 2010 promulgating the Antiquities Protection Law, though presumably this does not affect what St Hilaire calls the "Schultz doctrine". I really still do not understand how the ARPA applies, but it has been used in the past and they got away with it. Odd.

This is a very useful text, not least in that it can form a basis for discussions on how the system can be made more watertight in the case of freshly excavated archaeological material.